
Traditional Straws
Standard, jumbo, giant, flex, tapioca, spoon, wrapped, unwrapped…
if it’s a straw, we make it.

Sustainable Straws
Recyclable and biodegradable within 1-4 years, our Penka line of straws is BPA-free and made from agave

Where it all started – highest quality stirrers for hot or cold drinks

Sustainable and functional knives, spoons, forks, and more

Having researched and tested a wide variety of sustainable materials for nearly two decades, we are mission-driven to find the world’s best green alternatives at price points that allow the world to convert.
This search led us to AgaveX® as our flagship sustainability product. Made of agave bio-fibers, our recyclable and reusable AgaveX® line of straws, stirrers, and cutlery is BPA free and biodegradable within 1-4 years.
Every ton manufactured helps:
Reduce consumption of almost 150 liters of petroleum
Avoid 450 kg of Carbon Dioxide emissions
Reuse 3,000 kg of agave subproducts
Generate a 100% recyclable material

Agave Biomaterials

Polypropylene (PP)

Polylactic acid (PLA)


Founded in 1945, Cell-O-Core® first produced child safe sucker sticks from cellophane.
From there, we grew into drink stirrers, and then later into drinking straws.
Today, we are proud to be the largest independent drinking straw producer in North America.
And as the official, exclusive manufacturer of eco-friendly AgaveX and PlanetStraw, we are greener than ever.
Let’s grow together.
Get in Touch
6935 Ridge Rd.
Wadsworth, OH 44281
160 C M H Rd.
Sulphur Springs, TX 75482
(330) 239-4370